Please read our plea

Dear beloved church members,

As the seasons change, so does the temperature within our sanctuary. We find ourselves shivering in winter and sweltering in summer.

To address this, we have a heartfelt request: please could you consider making a sacrificial offering to help us raise a final £2000 for installing the air conditioning units?

With your support, we can create a comfortable environment for worship and fellowship. Imagine if 60 of us each donated £34—we would reach our goal swiftly. Let’s come together and ensure that by mid-September, our church is warm in winter and cool in summer.

Your generosity will make a significant difference.

Please put the money in an envelope and mark it for 'church heating' or deposit directly into the church bank account stating it's for the 'church heating.'

Note: When you have made a deposit into church account, please send a message to: stating the total amount and what it's for.

Sort code: 40-35-09

A/c no: 70725595

Ref: church heating

Thank you for your support and commitment to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and our community.

Much Blessings

Lesley on behalf of Buildings Committee Team
